Selasa, 27 November 2012

Summer Love - One Direction

Can't believe your packin your bags
Tryin so hard not to cry
Had the best time and now its the worst time
But we have to say goodbye

Don't promise that you're gonna write
Don't promise that you'll call
Just promise that you won't forget we had it all

Cause you were mine for the Summer
Now we know its nearly over
Feels like snow in September
But I always will remember
You were my Summer love
You always will be my Summer love

Wish that we could be alone now
If we could find some place to hide
Make the last time just like the first time
Push a button and rewind

Don't say the word that's on your lips
Don't look at me that way
Just promise you'll remember
When the sky is grey

Cause you were mine for the Summer
Now we know its nearly over
Feels like snow in September
But I always will remember
You were my Summer love
You always will be my Summer love

So please don't make this any harder
We can't take this any farther
And I know there's nothin that I wanna change, change

Cause you were mine for the Summer
Now we know its nearly over
Feels like snow in September
But I always will remember
You were my Summer love
You always will be my Summer love
You always will be my Summer love
You will always be my Summer love

Still The One - One Direction

Hello, hello, I know it's been a while
But baby, I got something that I really want to let you know, yeah
Something that I want to let you know, oh, oh, oh

You say, you say to everybody that you hate me
Couldn't blame you because I left you all alone, yeah
I know that I left you all alone

And yeah, now I'm back at your door
You looking at me unsure
I should've seen it before
You're all I think about, baby

I was so stupid for letting you go
But I-i-i know you're still the one
You might have moved on
But girl, you should know
That I-i-i know you're still the one
I know it's saying too much
But I will never give up
I was so stupid for letting you go
But I-i-i know you're still the one
I-i-i know you're still the one

Hello, hello, I'm really hoping you'll forgive me
I keep talking, begging, tell me what I want to hear, yeah
Girl, just tell me what I want to hear

I tried, I tried to start again and find somebody
But I remember all the time and all the words we said, yeah
I can't get it out of my head, yeah

Now I'm back at your door
You looking at me I'm sure
I should've seen it before
You're all I think about, baby

I was so stupid for letting you go
But I-i-i know you're still the one
You might have moved on
But girl, you should know
That I-i-i know you're still the one
I know it's saying too much
But I will never give up
I was so stupid for letting you go
But I-i-i know you're still the one

Hey you, you're still the one
Hey you, you're still the one
Hey you, you're still the one
Hey you, you're still the one

I know it's saying too much
But I will never give up
I was so stupid for letting you go
But I-i-i know you're still the one
I-i-i know you're still the one

Nobody Compares -One Direction

Sneaks out in the middle of the night
Tight dress with the top cut low
She's addicted to feeling of letting go, letting go

She walks in and the room just lights up
But she don't want anyone to know
I'm the only one that gets to take her home, take her home

But everytime I tell her that I want more
She closes her door

She's not afraid of all the attention
She's not afraid of running wild
How comes she's so afraid of falling in love
She's not afraid of scary movies
She likes the way we kiss in the dark
But she's so afraid of f-f-falling in love, love

Maybe she's just trying to test me
Wanna see how hard I'm gonna work
Wanna see if I can really tell how much she's worth, what you're worth

Lately all her friend have told don't get closer
He'll just break your heart

But either way she seethes at me
And it's just so hard, so hard

'Cos everytime I tell her how I feel
She says it's not real

She's not afraid of all the attention
She's not afraid of running wild
How comes she's so afraid of falling in love
She's not afraid of scary movies
She likes the way we kiss in the dark
But she's so afraid of f-f-falling in love, love

What about all the things we say
Talking on the phone so late
I can't let her get away from me

When I say that I can do it no more
She's back at my door

She's not afraid of all the attention
She's not afraid of running wild
How comes she's so afraid of falling in love
She's not afraid of scary movies
She likes the way we kiss in the dark
But she's so afraid of f-f-falling in love, love

She's not afraid
She's not afraid

Love, love

One Direction - She's Not Afraid Lyrics

Sneaks out in the middle of the night
Tight dress with the top cut low
She's addicted to feeling of letting go, letting go

She walks in and the room just lights up
But she don't want anyone to know
I'm the only one that gets to take her home, take her home

But everytime I tell her that I want more
She closes her door

She's not afraid of all the attention
She's not afraid of running wild
How comes she's so afraid of falling in love
She's not afraid of scary movies
She likes the way we kiss in the dark
But she's so afraid of f-f-falling in love, love

Maybe she's just trying to test me
Wanna see how hard I'm gonna work
Wanna see if I can really tell how much she's worth, what you're worth

Lately all her friend have told don't get closer
He'll just break your heart

But either way she seethes at me
And it's just so hard, so hard

'Cos everytime I tell her how I feel
She says it's not real

She's not afraid of all the attention
She's not afraid of running wild
How comes she's so afraid of falling in love
She's not afraid of scary movies
She likes the way we kiss in the dark
But she's so afraid of f-f-falling in love, love

What about all the things we say
Talking on the phone so late
I can't let her get away from me

When I say that I can do it no more
She's back at my door

She's not afraid of all the attention
She's not afraid of running wild
How comes she's so afraid of falling in love
She's not afraid of scary movies
She likes the way we kiss in the dark
But she's so afraid of f-f-falling in love, love

She's not afraid
She's not afraid

Love, love

One Directin - Loved You First Lyrics

Girl that should be me, driving to your house
Knocking on your door, kissing you on the mouth
Holding on your hand, dancing in the dark
'Cos I was the only one who loved you from the start

But now when I see you with him
It tears my world apart

Because I've been waiting
All this time to finally say it
But now I see your heart's been taken
And nothing could be worse
Baby I loved you first
Had my chances
Could have been where he is standing
That's what hurts the most
Girl I get so close but now you'll never know
Baby I loved you first

Girl that should be me, calling on the phone
Saying your the one and I'll never let you go

I never understood what love was really like
But I felt it for the first time looking in your eyes

But now when I see you with him
My whole my world falls apart

Because I've been waiting
All this time to finally say it
But now I see your heart's been taken
And nothing could be worse
Baby I loved you first
Had my chances
Could have been where he is standing
That's what hurts the most
Girl I get so close but now you'll never know
Baby I loved you first

First touch, first kiss
First girl who made me feel like this
Heartbreak, it's killing me
I loved you first why can't you see

I've been waiting
All this time to finally say it
But now I see your heart's been taken
Nothing could be worse

Baby I loved you first

Had my chances
Could have been where he is standing
That's what hurts the most
Girl I get so close but now you'll never know
Baby I loved you first

Baby I loved you first
Baby I loved you first
Oh yeah

Baby I loved you first

Senin, 26 November 2012

One direction Funny Photos! Cek it out guys.

Omg they're so beautiful

Liam. omg. hahahha

WTF is this? zayn's hand. hey what are you doing zayn-_-

Look at harry. he looks like a doll. Big eyes and big tooths. Don't Laughing please! :p

What happen zayn? are you..........................

Google was creative

Find yours? Are they beautiful? Omg:P

Oh liam. pls stop make it.

Luff yu tu;*

Then make 1D titanic film. *waiting like an idiot*

That is it. Gimana funny gak? Did you laughing? SO hard? or normal? I did so hard.

Liam's story di The X Factor


 Sama kayak the boys yang lainnya, Liam ini ikut audisi The X Factor seri ke 7 waktu tahun 2010 lalu, tapi nih, sebelumnya dia udah pernah ikut The X Factor juga lho! Waktu itu umur dia masih 14 tahun, yaah berarti tahun 2008. Tapi dia nggak diterima soalnya umurnya masih terlalu muda, lagipula waktu itu Simon Cowell (juri The X Factor) masih belum percaya kalau Liam udah siap buat ikut kompetisi, nah akhirnya Simon nyuruh Liam buat kembali lagi 2 tahun kemudian. Dan setelah belajar 2 tahun untuk memperbaiki suaranya (yang berarti umurnya 16 tahun) dia ikut lagi deh audisi The X Factor. Gini nih ceritanya..

Waktu audisi X Factor (yang pas udah gede) Liam nyanyiin lagu Cry Me A River versinya Michael Bubble. Bisa ngebayangin nggak gimana? Yang pasti keren banget lah. Buat yang pengen liat, langsung lewat YouTube aja ya! Hehe:p Nah kalo waktu 14 tahun dia ditolak, yang kali ini dia juga ditolak! *gubrak. Waktu itu dia ikut audisi Solo juga kan, tapi Simon Cowell masih ngasih kesempatan buat Liam (juri yang baik dan perlu dicontoh nih :3), setelah ada saran dari si juri tamu Nicole Scherzinger buat Liam dkk untuk ikut audisi "Group" aja, akhirnya dibolehin deh sama Simon, dan di audisi yang ini Liam dkk berhasil! :D Mereka nyanyiin lagu "Torn", keren banget deh.. Walaupun cuma juara 3 karena juara 2 nya Rebecca Ferguson dan yang juara 1.. aduh lupa._. Hehe adalah pokoknya.

Okay I just can tell you that. semoga bermanfaat. *eh? maksudnya semoga suka *eh? udahlah lupakan xP

 Not a new news. just share it guys.
Mengutip berita dari digitalspy, Senin (1/10), Liam Payne sebelumnya baru saja mengakhiri hubungan dua tahun bersama mantan kekasihnya tersebut. Sementara Leona Lewis juga dikabarkan baru saja putus dengan kekasihnya yang telah bersama selama dua tahun, Dennis Jauch.
Kabarnya Liam Payne dan Leona Lewis menghabiskan waktu berkencan berdua. Sumber mengatakan, "Liam sepertinya sangat tertarik dengan Leona. Bfegitu ada kesempatan untuk mengajak Leona keluar, Liam langsung mengajakanya berkencan dan mereka benar-benar menikmati waktu kencan bersama."
Salah satu anggota keluarga dari Liam Payne juga membenarkan bahwa Payne memiliki perasaan khusus sejak melihat Leona Lewis.
"Liam tak pernah merahasiakan perasaannya kepada Leona. Ia juga harus melalui masa yang sulit ketika harus mengakui pada mantan pacarnya bahwa dirinya naksir kepada Leona Lewis," jelas sumber tersebut

Minggu, 25 November 2012

Aku akan memberi tahu kalian foto liam masih kecil. kece loohh ;)))

wdyt? kece kan? suami akyuu ;**
1. Liam hanya mempunyai 1 ginjal.
2. Remaja berusia 18 tahun ini ternyata fobia terhadap sendok atau koutaliaphobia.
3. Liam mencari pacar atau gadis yang easy going, asik, dan mempunyai mata yang indah.
4. Jika ia bisa berubah menjadi salah satu tokoh dalam sebuah Film, ia ingin menjadi Superhero seperti Iron Man.
5. Tidak hanya pandai bernyanyi, remaja tampan ini juga pandai bermain piano dan gitar.
6. Liam adalah personil One Direction yang paling sering mengganti gaya rambutnya.
7. Sebenarnya Liam tidak menyukai menggunakan make-up, tapi dia harus melakukannya.
8. Liam rajin berolahraga lari dan anti minuman beralkohol.
9. Liam adalah tipe cowok yang romantis dan paling tidak bisa melihat seorang cewek menangis.
10. Liam hampir meninggal ketika masih bayi dan ketika ia masih kecil, ia harus menjalani 32 suntikan setiap harinya.
11. Sewaktu sekolah ia mengambil ekstrakulikuler tinju, dan ketika melawan pelatihnya ia mendapat patah tulang di hibung, gendang telinga rusak, dan wajah memar.
12. Sebenarnya sebelum tenar dengan Boybandnya "One Direction", ia pernah menngikuti The X Factor ketika berumur 14 tahun tetapi ditolak karena masih terlalu muda.
13. Selama hidupnya, Liam baru sekali menangis yaitu ketika menonton Marley & Me.
14. Lagu favoritnya adalah lagu "Happy Birthday"
15. Remaja ini pernah mempunyai pelurus rambut berwarna pink.
16. Liam sering digertak dan dicaci maki oleh teman-teman sekelasnya ketika masih sekolah.
17. Olahraga favoritnya adalah basket.
18. Liam pernah memberikan nomor teleponnya kepada fans nya satu kali.
19. Remaja yang ganteng ini ternyata suka memasak.
20. Karena rasa takutnya pada sendok, ia makan eskrim dengan menggunakan garpu.
21. Kata Liam, kalau sekarang dia bukanlah personil One Direction, dia akan menjadi pemadam kebakaran.
22. Jika Liam bisa duet dengan salah satu orang di dunia ini, ia ingin duet dengan Niall.
23. Liam suka mengajak pacarnya ke taman dan memberinya bunga.
24. Liam menjadi cowok terseksi ke 11 dalam poling "Top 20 World's Sexiest Men" yang dibuat oleh The Sun.
25. Liam berkata bahwa kedua kakaknya (Nicole dan Ruth) suka makeover Liam menggunakan baju cewek, bahkan sampai dipaksa menggunakan high heels.
26. Disney Channel adalah tontonan favorit Liam, dan dia akan lebih senang jika menontonnya bersama temannya sehingga ia bisa memeluknya.
27. Jika tengah malam tiba-tiba Liam merasa lapar, maka ia akan menyelinap ke kamar Niall karena Niall menyimpan banyak makanan.
28. Ketika di pesawat, Liam ketiduran dan isi sandwich yang ia pegang diambil oleh Harry dan Harry meletakkannya di kepala Liam, kemudian ia memotretnya.
29. Dengan hasil jerih payahnya sendiri, Liam membelikan orangtuanya mobil BMW mewah seharga £20.000.
30. Kalau bisa dan punya kesempatan, Liam sangat ingin pergi ke luar angkasa.
31. Liam pernah menangis di restoran karena pelayannya berkata bahwa ia harus makan sup menggunakan sendok, BUKAN GARPU.
32. Liam suka memasang tampang aneh-aneh dan lucu ketika sedang di make up. Aaahh I wanna see that!
33. Liam dan kekasihnya Danielle, memiliki sepatu yang sama bermotif leopard.
34. Menurut the boys, kebiasaan buruk Liam adalah terlalu sering gymnastic, dan disaat sedang ceria suaranya sangat kencang.
35. Ketika konser di Izad Center, Liam mengambil Handphone salah satu fan dan merekam the boys.
36. Sewaktu sedang di gym, seorang fans menyelinap ke kamar ganti dan memergoki Liam yang sedang half naked dan Liam hanya tercengang melihat cewek tersebut lolos dari penjagaan.
37. Menurut Liam, menyetir mobil sangatlah susah walaupun dia sangat ingin bisa menyetir mobil.
38. Jika Liam terlahir sebagai seorang cewek, dia ingin menikah dengan Zayn karena baginya Zayn sangat tampan.
39. Liam ingin pergi surfing di banyak tempat sedunia.
40. Liam suka bermain lego.
41. Liam tidak memiliki nomor Handphone Niall dan Zayn di Handphone nya.
42. Liam tidak disunat!
43. Liam pernah mengirim hadiah ke Danielle, tetapi sayang Liam mengirim hadiah tersebut ke alamat yang salah.
44. Sewaktu Liam sedang surfing, tanpa sengaja ia melihat ikan hiu!
45. Saking cintanya sama fans, Liam berkata bahwa ia sering bermimpi bertemu fans ketika ia tidur.
46. Jari kaki Liam ada yang retak karena kejatuhan macbook.
47. Liam mempunyai koleksi kura-kura dari fans dan ia selalu menghitung jumlah kura-kura nya setiap hari, tetapi ada 1 kura-kura yang hilang dicuri the boys.
48. Liam ingin mem-followback semua followers nya di twitter, setiap dia melakukan follow spree, ia selalu menghitung sisa followers nya yang belum di followback :')
49. Liam lebih memilih dapat membaca pikiran orang daripada dapat tidak terlihat atau invisible.
50. Liam lebih memilih Miley Cyrus daripada Selena Gomez.
51. Liam sekarang telah memiliki 2 ginjal.

There is it. Fakta liam payne. suami kuhhh ;p

Data tour One Direction 2013

Date Venue City Country
February 22, 2013 The O2 London England
February 23, 2013
February 24, 2013
February 26, 2013 SECC Glasgow Scotland
February 27, 2013
March 1, 2013 Motorpoint Arena Cardiff Wales
March 2, 2013*
March 3, 2013
March 5, 2013 The O2 Dublin Ireland
March 6, 2013
March 7, 2013 Odyssey Arena Belfast Northern Ireland
March 8, 2013
March 10, 2013
March 11, 2013
March 12, 2013 The O2 Dublin Ireland
March 13, 2013
March 15, 2013 Manchester Arena Manchester England
March 16, 2013*
March 17, 2013 Echo Arena Liverpool
March 19, 2013 Motorpoint Arena Sheffield
March 20, 2013 Capital FM Arena Nottingham
March 22, 2013 LG Arena Birmingham Birmingham
March 23, 2013*
March 31, 2013 Echo Arena Liverpool
April 1, 2013 The O2 London
April 2, 2013*
April 4, 2013
April 5, 2013
April 8, 2013 Metro Radio Arena Newcastle upon Tyne
April 9, 2013
April 10, 2013
April 12, 2013 SECC Glasgow Scotland
April 13, 2013 Motorpoint Arena Sheffield England
April 14, 2013
April 17, 2013 LG Arena Birmingham
April 19, 2013 Manchester Arena Manchester
[hide]North America
Date Venue City Country
June 13, 2013 BankAtlantic Center Ft. Lauderdale, FL United States
June 14, 2013 American Airlines Arena Miami, FL
June 16, 2013 KFC Yum! Center Louisville, KY
June 18, 2013 Nationwide Arena Columbus, OH
June 19, 2013 Bridgestone Arena Nashville, TN
June 21, 2013 Philips Arena Atlanta, GA
June 22, 2013 PNC Arena Raleigh, NC
June 23, 2013 Verizon Center Washington, DC
June 25, 2013 Wells Fargo Center Philadelphia, PA
June 26, 2013 Comcast Center Boston, MA
June 28, 2013 Nikon at Jones Beach Theater Wantagh, NY
June 29, 2013
July 2, 2013 IZOD Center East Rutherford, NJ
July 4, 2013 Bell Centre Montreal, PQ Canada
July 5, 2013 Hersheypark Stadium Hershey, PA United States
July 6, 2013
July 8, 2013 Consol Energy Center Pittsburgh, PA
July 9, 2013 Air Canada Centre Toronto, Ontario Canada
July 10, 2013
July 12, 2013 The Palace of Auburn Hills Detroit, MI United States
July 13, 2013 First Midwest Bank Amphitheatre Chicago, IL
July 14, 2013
July 18, 2013 Target Center Minneapolis, MN
July 19, 2013 Sprint Center Kansas City, MO
July 21, 2013 Toyota Center Houston, TX
July 22, 2013 American Airlines Center Dallas, TX
July 24, 2013 Pepsi Center Denver, CO
July 25, 2013 Maverick Center Salt Lake City, UT
July 27, 2013 Rogers Arena Vancouver, BC Canada
July 28, 2013 KeyArena Seattle, WA United States
July 30, 2013 HP Pavilion San Jose, CA
July 31, 2013 Oracle Arena Oakland, CA
August 2, 2013 Mandalay Bay Events Center Las Vegas, NV
August 3, 2013
August 6, 2013 Cricket Wireless Amphitheatre San Diego, CA
August 7, 2013 Staples Center Los Angeles, CA
August 8, 2013
Date Venue City Country
September 11, 2013 Brisbane Entertainment Centre Brisbane Australia
September 12, 2013
September 14, 2013 Allphones Arena Sydney
September 15, 2013*
September 19, 2013 Rod Laver Arena Melbourne
September 20, 2013
September 21, 2013*
September 23, 2013 Adelaide Entertainment Centre Adelaide
September 24, 2013
September 28, 2013 Perth Arena Perth
September 29, 2013
October 2, 2013 Rod Laver Arena Melbourne
October 3, 2013*
October 5, 2013 Allphones Arena Sydney
October 6, 2013
October 10, 2013 CBS Canterbury Arena Christchurch New Zealand
October 12, 2013 Vector Arena Auckland
October 13, 2013
Where is indonesia? -__-
About Liam

Liam was born in Wolverhampton, West Midlands, England to Geoff and Karen Payne. He has two older sisters, Nicola and Ruth. Liam was born three weeks early, and as a result he had a lot of health problems. He spent the first four years of his life in and out of the hospital having regular tests done. Doctors noticed one of his kidneys was scarred and dysfunctional. To help cope with the pain, he had 32 injections in his arm in the morning and evening as a child. In 2012 Liam found out and shared via Twitter that his kidney was functioning again
From the age of six, Liam had already started showing signs of singing talent. He would sing for his relatives or pub crowds on karaoke. However, he had his heart set on becoming an Olympic runner, and was a member of the Wolverhampton and Bilston Athletics Club. He would wake up at 5am every day to run five miles before school. His running dream ended at 14 years old when he narrowly missed out on a spot in the England schools team. At that point, he decided to completely focus on his singing, although he still loved his football club, West Bromwich Albion.
He started perfecting his singing skills at the age of 12 when he joined Pink Productions, a performing arts group based in Wolverhampton, that allowed him to showcase his talent in front of a real audience for the first time.
Liam completed 11 GCSEs at St Peter’s Collegiate School before moving on to study music technology at Wolverhampton College’s Paget Road campus, which he hoped would help him learn more about the industry.

Minggu, 18 November 2012

Biodata Liam James Payne

        Liam James Payne, born 29 August 1993 (age 19), is from Wolverhampton, West Midlands, England. Born three weeks early to mother Karen and father Geoff, he has two older sisters, Ruth and Nicola. Until the age of four, Payne had regular tests done in hospital as doctors noticed one of his kidneys was scarred and dysfunctional. To help cope with the pain, he had 32 injections in his arm in the morning and evening as a child. As a student, Payne was heavily involved in sports. Payne wasbullied in secondary school and took up boxing lessons at the age of twelve. He was a music technologystudent at City of Wolverhampton College.

       Payne had once performed in front of a 26,000 crowd at a Wolverhampton Wanderers' football match.Payne first auditioned in 2008 to The X Factor'fifth series when he was fourteen. He made it to the judges' houses, but Cowell thought he was not ready for the competition and asked him to come back in two years. Payne cites Justin Timberlake as one of his biggest influences. He also said thatt he draws inspiration from Take That member Gary Barlow when performing.